The fans of Xbox and PC Modern Warfare finally get this feature

When Call of Duty: Modern Warfare was launched last year, PlayStation has received the timed exclusivity for a Great Game Formally released for Xbox One and PC. The game mode is SPEC OPS Survival and it loads players survive with massive waves of fitted soldiers, similar to previous Spec Ops modes in the story of Call of Duty. The game mode does not replace exactly zombies, but it's a great way to pause between multiplayer and warzone. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is currently available for Xbox One, PS4 and PC, with SECO OPS Survival unlocked on all platforms now.

Rules of Survival on PC??? Call of Duty used to get the timed exclusivity on the latest generation XBox consoles, but this generation (and apparently the next) Activision and Infinity Ward have published early content on PlayStation. Spec Ops Survival was blocked behind a one-year timed exclusivity for Xbox One fans and Call of Duty PC, but they can finally rejoice because the game mode is officially online for all platforms. The most popular game mode of Modern Warfare has been Warzone, and it will probably not change now that everyone has access to SPEC OPS Survival. Battle Royale is always the popular kind right now and Warzone is an extremely fun experience.

With a large part of the focus on Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War and the next generation of consoles, Call of Duty fans who still tear Modern Warfare on Xbox One and PC will receive a little pleasure next time as They will play. The recently added game mode is a nice addition to an already awesome game, but when it was a timed exclusivity on PS4, it was not exactly a console mode. If PlayStation had been able to secure Warzone instead, we think it could have been another story.

Are you looking forward to playing Spec Ops Survival on PC or Xbox One? Let us know in the comments below!

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