How to become invincible in Grounded

Sometimes the problems can be fun or even boring, but you have a special problem that can make you see a new perspective in a game.

We think we have found one of these problems in the last game of Microsoft Gounded which, when it is done correctly, will allow you to become invincible (to a certain extent) for a long time.

But how does it work exactly? And what should you do?

  1. Make a complete set of Acorn armor and wear it immediately.
  2. Find a small pool of enemies that will attack you until you are on your latest health slithers
  3. Kill these enemies and do not heal
  4. Remove or launch ACORN armor to leave you without armor at all.
  5. You should now be invincible!

How to become INVINCIBLE in Grounded - Never Take Damage In-Game Again Using This Handy Glitch

If you perform these steps correctly, you will find that you will be completely invincible of any type of damage, but to a plug.

The problem will only work as long as you do not heal with a bandage or you do not fall out at night. This also includes hunger healing, so try not to eat too much!
